Saturday, February 17, 2007

Nerdy Videos For Nerds Like Me

I just did a post at ReveNews on Friday where I showed some of my favorite short movies. Most are related to affiliate marketing, one way or another so I thought that ReveNews would be an appropriate place to publish it.

Now the movies I would like to highlight now are nothing for ReveNews. Why?

1) they are too long
2) are for nerds and not marketers

okay, here it comes.

Pirates of the Silicon Valley (Full Movie, 10 Parts) (c)1999

Rein-acted events of parts of the lives of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs about the beginnings of Microsoft and Apple Computers. This movie is done like a mix of featured film and documentary. It was produced for TV. I own the DVD myself. I actually own all Dvds of the videos/movies I highlight in this post.

IMDB Entry | Buy the DVD

Part one embedded. Here are the links to all parts, including the remaining parts 2 to 10.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part X

Triumph of the nerds (Documentary, 3 parts) (c)1984

The history of the Personal Computer. With original footage. Now this is a documentary to 100% and not a "hybrid" like the "Pirates of the Silicon Valley". It's also shorter.

IMDB Entry | Buy the DVD

Okay, that's part one. Here are the Links to this part at DailyMotion and to the remaining parts 2 and 3.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Updated, because YouTube videos did not work no more.

BBS The Documentary

Unfortunately not the full documentary. It's a 10 minutes teaser/example of the 3 Discs DVD Documentary created by Jason Scott Sadofsky (c)2005.

The 3 DVDs contain actually over 200 interviews. What is this thing about? About Bulletin Board Systems. Not the one in college, but the computer equivalent of it. I used to be a Sysop of a BBS myself. You don't believe me? Have a look here. You can also access the individual episodes and watch them online here at my website.

Site | IMDB Entry | Buy the DVD

Link to Video

That's it. I hope you enjoy them.

Carsten aka Roy/SAC

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Carsten aka Roy/SAC

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