Saturday, November 25, 2006

ANSI and ASCII Text Art as Print!

Mhhh... It seems that I post at my ASCII and ANSI Text Art blog always in pairs now. I should better plan those things I guess, but the heck, who cares.

Okay, here is post number two for today.

I took the new deviantART Prints Service for a spin, which was launched parallel with the
new deviantART shop. I made two of my deviations available for purchase for your and my own pleasure.

Fans of ANSI and ASCII Text will probably love it. I already ordered one of each for myself.

For all the Fans of dA and ANSI Text Art is the left piece available (click the image for the LARGE Version, 1390x1165) and for all Fans of the ASCII Text Art the right one.

Buy ANSI PrintBuy ASCII Print

Following formats and item types are available for each of the two with the price right next to it (I ordered for myself the Mousepads):

Canvas Prints 28x36 cm $78.95

Regular Prints
Lustre Prints 25x30 cm $15.49
Matte Prints 25x30 cm $12.79
Glossy Prints 25x30 cm $12.79

Small Magnet $4.95
Large Magnet $6.95
Matte Postcard $2.49
Glossy Postcard $2.49

Mouse Pad Mouse Pad $9.95
Coaster Set of 4 Coasters $20.25

Carsten aka Roy/SAC

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Carsten aka Roy/SAC

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